Bundaberg Regional Council has announced the region’s swimming pools, libraries, art galleries, zoo and other services will close from end of normal business this Friday, 27 March.
Council’s CEO, Mr Steve Johnston said due to Coronavirus precautions, all non-essential services would cease to operate until further notice while strict measures would be put in place for other Council services.
As well as the temporary closure of Council facilities, Mr Johnston said a number of services would be suspended until otherwise stated.
“Council has made the decision to temporarily suspend parking enforcement and all routine inspections,” he said.
“The Bundaberg Administration Centre on Bourbong Street remains open from 8.15am to 4.45pm weekdays, pending any further directives from State or Federal Government.
“Other customer service centres throughout the region will be closed to the public, but residents are advised enquiries can be made by phone on 1300 883 699 and appointments made for face to face meetings.”
Mr Johnston said Council would advise the public of reopening times when the information is available.
“We apologise to residents for any inconvenience,” he said.
“It’s an unfortunate situation, however, the priority at the moment is the health of our staff and the community.”
Council closures
• All libraries to close to the public from end of business this Friday 27 March
• BRAG and Charts to close from end of business this Friday 27 March
• Alexandra Park Zoo to be closed to the public from end of business this Friday 27 March
• Hinkler Hall of Aviation and Fairymead House to close from end of business this Friday 27 March
• All Council pools to close from end of business this Friday 27 March
• The Bundaberg Administration Centre on Bourbong Street will remain open between 8.15am and 4.45pm weekdays. Other Council customer service areas will close to the public (including Neighbourhood Centres, Planning Counter, Civic Arcade Counter, Cemetery) this Friday 27 March. Customer services will also be available via phone 1300 883 699, online here and via the Snap, Send Solve app. Critical face to face meetings will be by appointment.
• All routine inspections will cease from close of business this Friday 27 March (Food, Health, Local Laws, Building & Plumbing)
• Parking enforcement will be suspended from this Wednesday 25 March
• All bookings for outdoor events will be cancelled from this Friday 27 March
Community events cancelled or postponed:
- All Parkrun events have been suspended
- Apple Tree Creek Markets closed until further notice
- RSPCA Bundaberg’s microchipping day scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed.
- Bundaberg Sinfonietta concerts cancelled
- Bullyard Hall Markets cancelled
- Quota International of Bundaberg Inc cent sale cancelled
- Bundaberg Bush House and Garden Club Monster Plant Sale cancelled
For updates or advice about Coronavirus visit the Department of Health website.
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I am 80 years old in a week or so & can say we never had toilet paper either when I was growing up. I used to spend some weekends at my Nannas place in GeorgSt & it was my job to cut the old newspapers into small squares& tie 30 or so pieces together & hang them on a piece of string in the toilet It was a septic toilet too/ Meanwhile at home on Grange St it was just the whole Newspaper stuck on a hook & we tore it off as we needed it.
But don’t forget to come outside and mix and vote on Saturday. Hmmm
Glad that we voted already when it was quiet and we could distance ourselves.Took my own pencil too!