UPDATE (2pm TUESDAY): Wildlife officers from the Department of Environment and Science (DES) are investigating a reported crocodile sighting on the Burnett River at Bundaberg on 27 January.
A member of the public reported seeing what they believed to be an estimated 1.5m metre crocodile swimming at Sandy Hook Point and reported it to DES.
“Crocwise information was provided and wildlife officers are monitoring for further reports,” a DES spokesperson said.
“Crocodiles that pose a threat to human safety are targeted for removal under the Queensland Crocodile Management Plan.
“Members of the public are encouraged to report crocodile sightings as soon as possible by calling 1300 130 372. DES investigates all reports it receives.”
Under the Queensland Crocodile Management Plan, Bundaberg is in Zone F (Atypical Habitat Zone).
This means that any crocodile confirmed to be present, regardless of size, is targeted for removal.
More information on being Crocwise is available at: https://environment.des.qld.gov.au/wildlife/animals/living-with/crocodiles/croc-wise
EARLIER (Monday): A crocodile sighting was reported in the Burnett River at Sandy Hook near Bundaberg on Monday by a family that was jet skiing in the area.
Simone Barry took to social media to warn of her sighting, which happened about 11.30am.
She said the reptile was about 1.5 metres long, located along the Burnett River in line with 1500 Childers Road.
Talking to Bundaberg Now, Simone said her family had seen the crocodile multiple times in the water.
“My husband saw it first. He saw its face and body near some low-lying branches of a tree near the bank,” she said.
“Then it ducked down under the water.”
Simone said her seven-year-old daughter then saw the reptile’s eyes before she herself caught a glimpse.
“We kept an eye out for it from the bank. I then saw it surface, saw its snout come out of the water and its tail at the back. No mistaking it was a croc.”
Simone said she thought the initial sighting by her husband was a joke.
“When my husband saw it and told me I thought he was playing a trick so I laughed, then saw his face and knew it was no joke,” she said.
“Then when I saw it I think I swore, pointed to show everyone where it was and said that it was definitely a croc.”
A frequent visitor to Sandy Hook, Simone said she had never seen a crocodile in the river before.
“I haven’t seen any crocs around Bundy before,” she said.
“I have heard and read on Facebook that they have been seen in the Mary River.”
Simone said she reported her sighting to CrocWatch soon after the animal encounter.
Croc sightings becoming more common

It’s not the first croc sighting to happen in the region in the last six months.
On January 17 a crocodile sighting was reported at a camp site at Coolooloi on Fraser Island.
The Department of Environment and Science is currently investigating the sighting and monitoring the area.
In October last year, warning signs were erected in Woodgate after an unconfirmed sighting.
Official Queensland Government signage was erected near the main boat ramp on the Woodgate esplanade.
The sign read “WARNING recent crocodile sighting in this area” and indicated no one should be swimming at the location.
- Other news: 4WD Club enjoys Kolan River outing
People do need to understand there are lung fish in the river and they come up for air, this has been what people have seen previously and made out it was a crocodile.
I live on the river and skied here for the past 30+ years with numerous friends and family and none of us have ever seen anything but some lung and catfish … just a good waste of time and money to have to investigate myths.