Elliott Heads residents and visitors have another opportunity to comment on the development of Elliott Heads recreation facilities following on from a very successful Community Conversation Day that was held in December.
Bundaberg Regional Council parks portfolio spokesperson Cr Wayne Honor said the last day was a great success.
“Over 40 people attended the day and we were delighted with the level of interest,” he said.
Have your say on 1st February

“We are hoping that we get a similar turnout at our next Community Conversation Day, to be held on Saturday, 1 February from 9am til 11am”.
Divisional representative Cr Scott Rowleson said for those who couldn’t attend there was still the chance to have their say through the online survey.
“We have already had 300 people fill out the survey, which is a tremendous result,” he said.
Online survey open until 3rd February
“The online survey will be open until Monday, 3 February and I’d encourage everyone to get online and give us their views if they can’t make it to Elliott Heads on 1 February.
“All this feedback will then help in the planning of the conceptual design which we’ll also discuss with the community.”
The new recreation facilities on the Elliott Heads foreshore is a joint initiative of the Queensland Government and Bundaberg Regional Council.
Construction is expected to get underway by early 2021, with the project required to be completed before the end of June 2021.
Residents and visitors to Elliott Heads are invited to the Community Conversation Day – Saturday 1st February from 9am till 11am to provide input into the location of the facility and discuss what recreational elements they would like to see included.
The Parks team will be located near the kiosk (next to toilet block).
- More news on Elliott Heads