Productive freight movement is the cornerstone of a growing economy and now Bundaberg Region transport industry representatives can provide feedback on the Queensland Freight Action Plan.
A Freight Action Plan workshop will be held at the Bundaberg Multiplex on Tuesday 26 November from 2 pm to 5 pm, facilitated by Transport and Main Roads.
The Queensland Freight Strategy – Advancing Freight in Queensland (QFS) was released earlier this year to outline how government and stakeholders could work together to further freight across the state.
The action plan will guide the roll out of this strategy of the next two years.
Throughout the Bundaberg Queensland Freight Action Plan workshop, an update will be provided on the status of the QFS and will see stakeholders work with the State Government to co-develop the action plan.
The workshop follows the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator PBS Demo Day which is also being held at the Multiplex on 26 November from 10am to 2pm.
- Other news: Heavy vehicle innovation showcased at demo day