Students from three Bundaberg Region schools combined to dig up some facts on archaeology as part of a celebration of collaborative learning for State Education Week.
Kepnock State High School Year 11 ancient history students worked with Woongarra and East Bundaberg State School to explore archaeology and develop research skills.
The activity involved excavating a shoebox containing ‘artefacts’ from an ancient civilisation.
Kepnock student Jaidah Haynes assisted the primary school students in the grid excavation activity and said it was a great opportunity for them to explore how historical relics were discovered.
“The kids will be digging up different little lego pieces and things like that and they will have to put it all together,” she said.
“It kind of gives them idea about civilisation and about what excavating is.
“It’s hands-on and you get the feel about what people are doing, this is a job for people.”
Year 5 students take on archaeology challenge
The students then developed historical questions and analysed and evaluated the artefacts that they found in their shoe box to develop conclusions about the society.
Year 5 Bundaberg East student Jackson Howard said the activity helped him learn many things about ancient history and how it related to today’s world.
“We get to find out facts about the past and find out new things that could help us in the future,” he said.
“We dig away layers… we are doing things that other people do for a living.”
The collaborative experience strengthened connections between Kepnock State High School and local primary schools.