Bundaberg Region young people are flying high with Australian Air League Bundaberg Squadron and more are welcome to join the organisation.
A small group of people passionate about flying are helping to mould the next generation of aviation experts as part of a group that would make Bert Hinkler proud.
The Australian Air League Bundaberg Squadron is calling for more members to join the Term 4 activities this year.
The local squadron has been providing the region’s youth with exciting activities and knowledge about the aviation industry for many years.
Officer Commanding Annette Goodwin said the youth organisation was aimed at 8-18 year-olds who are adventurous, enthusiastic and have a passion for aviation and fun.
“Our youth group provides cadets with leadership and life skills while encouraging interest in aviation as a career or hobby,” she said.
“We meet once a week for our parade nights where we discuss the theory behind aviation, practice ceremonial drills, participate in model aircraft building and more.”
History of The Australian Air League
The Australian Air League was formed in 1934, in an era when Australian Aviators such as Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, Charles Ulm, Bert Hinkler, Sir Ross and Keith Smith and others were household names and heroes.
The first Squadron was opened in Manly, NSW, and the Air League quickly spread throughout that state.
In early 1939 the first Squadron was opened in Victoria and in 1944 the first Girls Section was formed.
Today the Australian Air League is active in NSW, the ACT, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and is still expanding.
Bundaberg Squadron flying high

Annette said the Bundaberg group was currently made up of seven youth members and three officers and were welcoming more aviation enthusiasts to join in on the fun.
“There’s plenty to learn at our weekly meetings and we also have an exciting excursion each year where our cadets get to fly in a glider,” she said.
“For those cadets who have never been in a glider before, they are usually a bit nervous at first but once they have completed the joy flight, they come down so excited and elated.
“They are always beaming, it’s a really fantastic adventure for them.”
Annette said the group also participated in various competitions with other squadrons from around Australia.
“This is always a great time for our cadets and we are always keen to encourage this competitive spirit with a number of competition days held each year,” she said.
“These include drill competitions, athletic and swimming carnivals and other sport days.”

Join Australian Air League Bundaberg Squadron
The Australian Air League Bundaberg Squadron meets during school terms on Friday evenings from 6pm to 9pm at Bundaberg Air League Headquarters, Kendalls Rd.
Parents and adult volunteers are always welcome.
To find out more, email Annette Goodwin on oc.bundaberg@airleague.com.au or visit the Facebook page here.