Hustling Hinkler plays at Veteran Vehicle Rally picnic

Hustling Hinkler
Hustling Hinkler by Len Maurice was a popular song in 1928.

The nostalgic sounds of Hustling Hinkler were heard at the 2019 National Veteran Vehicle Rally picnic at the Botanic Gardens in Bundaberg.

The one-track record by Fred Monument was devoted to the pioneer aviator after his solo flight from England to Australia.

It was one of two musical tributes from the era — the other being by Len Maurice.

Hustling Hinkler by Len Maurice

Dalby couple Wally and Bev Lanagan have been married 53 years and not a day goes by when they don’t think about the history of Australia and their love for Bert Hinkler.

“It was written because Bert Hinkler was such a star and everyone admired him,” Bev said.

Wally said his mum and dad were big Bert Hinkler fans and had the record when he was a child.

Bev said her mother taught at Kalkie school in the 1940s and Bert’s nephew was one of her mother’s students.

Hustling Hinkler by Fred Monument

“It’s great to have the record here, just look at the interest it has caused!” Bev said.

National Veteran Vehicle Rally Bundaberg organiser Terry Lewis said after Bert’s successful flight from England to Australia, songs were recorded to celebrate.

“Bev and Wally have very cleverly found a piece of history here to go with their car,” Terry said.

Bev said they owned hundreds of records and enjoyed playing them daily on their portable record player which was made between the 1920-30s.

“That player is a bit too modern for our car, but it still doesn’t run on electricity, so we wind it up,” Bev said.

“We do this, saving history, because who else will do it?

“Once it’s gone, it’s gone.”

The couple are driving their 1917 Studebaker in the 2019 National Veteran Vehicle Rally. Bev said the car was from wartime when things were hard to come by.

“We have had our Studebaker since 1973 and it’s been on the road since 1987 when we bought it as a wreck.

“We restored most of it, except the upholstery.”

Bev said part of the rally’s fun was dressing in period attire, and although fashion was difficult during the years when her car was made, people got by.

“Things were a lot more subdued and harder to come by, they were times when you just put a new ribbon on your old hat, or a button on the skirt to make it new again,” Bev said.

Hustling Hinkler plays National Veteran Vehicle Rally Bundaberg
Wally and Bev Lanagan played a record dedicated to Bert Hinkler at the National Veteran Vehicle Rally Bundaberg.