Bundaberg Regional Council has invited the State Government to establish its new Office for Rural and Regional Queensland in Bundaberg.
Mayor Jack Dempsey has written to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk congratulating her on the initiative and offering Bundaberg as the headquarters.
Ms Palaszczuk wrote to Mayor Dempsey on Tuesday, advising details of the Government’s Advancing Queensland’s Regions initiative.
This includes establishing:
- Quarterly Regional Community Forums
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet offices in Maryborough and Rockhampton
- A new Office for Rural and Regional Queensland.
“I welcome any initiative to improve communications between the regions and the Government in Brisbane,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“I’ve invited the Premier to establish the new Office for Rural and Regional Queensland in Bundaberg and I’ve offered to host the first quarterly forum here as well.
“One of the issues I want to put on the table is to get the State Government involved with a Regional Deal for Bundaberg.”
The Premier’s letter says the Government is always keen to hear from all Queenslanders on how local communities can continue to be supported.
“To assist in this, I am pleased to announce that my department will soon be expanding its rural and regional presence,” she said.
“Under the new Office for Rural and Regional Queensland, my department is establishing two additional regional offices in Rockhampton and Maryborough, expanding on our existing regional offices in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Longreach and Toowoomba.
“These offices will work closely with local communities and provide an important connection with the regions.”
Mayor Dempsey has also offered for Bundaberg to host the first Wide Bay/Fraser Coast regional community forum in Bundaberg at the Multiplex.
- Other news: Mayor’s hospital petition tabled, Premier thanked