Every bear that ever there was will soon gather at Woongarra Street Park for certain because next week’s the week the teddy bears have a picnic!
It’s all for the screening of Paddington 2 at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre and kids of all ages, along with their favourite teddy bears, are being invited to join in on all the fun.
Bundaberg Regional Council community and cultural services portfolio spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said the Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the Park event would be held on Wednesday, 10 July from 9.30am.
“There will be lots of fun, free activities in the park followed by the free screening of Paddington 2 at 11am,” Cr Peters said.
“Children can delight in face painting, craft, colouring-in stations, a reading corner, play equipment and more.
“There will also be a sensory play area with a range of fun games set up.”
Cr Peters said the screening of Paddington 2 was free and open to all ages and abilities.
“This film is a family friendly (sensory) screening,” Cr Peters said.
“We are dedicated to providing events that are inclusive to all members of the community and the importance of events that we run to be accessible to all abilities.”
The Teddy Bears Picnic in the Park event is supported by Bundaberg Regional Libraries, Moncrieff Entertainment Centre and First5Forever.