Prime Minister Scott Morrison may want to visit the 2019 Childers Show if he’s re-elected because the popular egg-throwing competition is coming back.
That cool bite to the evening air may signal the coming of winter but it also announces that locally it’s showtime!
The 103rd annual Isis District PA&I Society Show will open regional proceedings with the event to be held at the Childers Showgrounds on Saturday, May 25.
Show Secretary Larissa Watson said the 2019 Childers Show was coming together nicely with excellent entries in pavilion displays.
“The cooking section, due to a bit of a revamp, is really attracting solid entries. The cut flowers and plants are always popular sections and we will again have plenty of exhibitors in these sections.
“One new initiative we have introduced is a competitive Lego section. It doesn’t matter if the entry is built from pure imagination or a kit form we welcome all entries,” said Larissa.
“The usual high quality horse events will dominate the main arena with show-jumping and dressage events showcasing the amazing equestrian skills we have throughout our district and beyond.”
Isis Mill cane display attraction
Larissa said the Show Society was grateful for the ongoing support of the Isis Central Sugar Mill which organises the Cane Display Section.
“The mill provided the specially constructed display stand and undertakes to get the exhibits to provide what is a great representation of the district’s enduring historic crop.
“A highlight of the show will be the use of the refurbished John Broadhurst Stand for the first time at a major event. The $260,000 makeover has provided a much-needed upgrade of the facility and it will serve sporting and show events for many years to come.”
Larissa said speculation was mounting as to the outcome of an egg-throwing competition.
“It’s probably been about 25 years since this competition was held at the Childers Show but we feel it’s time for a comeback,” he said.
“We may just advise participants to put on their raincoats,” she laughed.
The Saturday evening program will be highlighted by a superb fireworks show.
The 2019 Childers Show will be officially opened by Mayor Jack Dempsey.
Mayor Dempsey said he was looking forward to again visiting Childers for the annual show.
Land Protection officers on hand
Feral pigs and dogs are set to make an appearance at this year’s Land Protection stall at the Childers Show.
These preserved specimens are being used as part of an education and awareness campaign by Bundaberg Regional Council into the increasing problem of pest plants and animals in our region.
Senior Land Protection Officer Eric Dyke said feral pigs and wild dogs continued to be a problem for landholders in the Childers Region.
“Feral pigs eat crops including sugar cane, macadamias and lychees, they damage pasture and spread weeds and disease, while wild dogs can cause substantial losses to livestock,” he said.
“We run co-ordinated baiting programs and can provide poison bait to landholders wanting to bait feral pigs or wild dogs on their properties.
“We also offer portable pig traps free of charge as well as factsheets in best practice trapping, baiting and fencing methods for these animals.”
2019 Childers Show brings people together
“The annual show in communities like Childers and Gin Gin provides an opportunity for the district to deliver an insight into what the region can produce,” said Mayor Dempsey.
“Shows are also a great place to bring people together and the Childers Show, except for the unavoidable interruptions caused by war years and drought, has for more than a century been showcasing what this amazing community has achieved.”
Mayor Dempsey said the community should appreciate the efforts of organisations like Show Societies that usually battle limited membership and volunteer numbers and limited funding to bring the annual show together.
“Attending the show is the best way of thanking these people for their sacrifice and effort,” he said.
Entries for sections at the 2019 Childers Show can be accepted up until 6pm Friday, May 24th. Further information can be obtained by contacting Show Secretary Larissa Watson on 0408 269 405.
- Childers grandstand upgrade under way