Planning for Bundaberg Regional Council’s new Milbi Festival is well under way with a range of opportunities available for artists, arts and community organisations to get involved.
Milbi Festival is designed to mark the beginning of the turtle season and to celebrate the unique identity, spirit and livability of the Bundaberg Region.
The inaugural Milbi Festival will run from 15-24 November this year.

Community and Cultural Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said Council was seeking formal expressions of interest in participating in the Milbi Festival.
“We want as many people to participate as possible,” Cr Peters said.
“This is one way we can make a big noise about all the talent we have around us.”
There are five opportunities available for expressions of interest, which close on Friday 17 May.
Three program strands provide funded opportunities for community involvement.
These include:
General Milbi Festival Program
Funds are available to support the engagement of professional artists or arts workers to drive specific projects which might feature in the Milbi Festival.
Pop Up Arts Festival Participants
Funding of up to $2,000 is available for up to five artists, producers, curators or arts organisations who wish to run arts events to activate non-traditional arts spaces.
Emerging Arts Leader Internship
One paid internship is available to support an emerging curator to work with Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery staff on the development of a new exhibition featuring work by Indigenous artists from the broader Wide Bay and Central Queensland regions. This is a great opportunity for a young or emerging curator to be mentored by Galleries staff in a temporary contract role.
These opportunities are funded through the Regional Arts Development Fund, a partnership between the Queensland Government and Bundaberg Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.
Two opportunities are available to support broader engagement and participation in the festival. These elements are not funded.
Community Programming for the Milbi Festival
Community groups may submit an expression of interest to be included in the Festival program so long as the projects proposed meet the objectives of the Festival
Community Stage
Performing artists may submit an expression of interest to be included on a community stage in Buss Park on Friday 15 or Saturday 16 November.
“There are some great opportunities here,” Cr Peters said.
“This is all about providing a range of ways that people can connect with the program so that we are responding to our community.
“While the festival will have a curated program, we want to make sure there are a number of opportunities for people of all walks of life to join in.”
All applications and expressions of interest are due by close of business on Friday, 17 May.
For further information, call Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund Liaison Officer, Rod Ainsworth on 07 4130 4100 or email