Australian Bauxite Limited wants to stockpile and ship product from the Port of Bundaberg if its proposed Binjour mining project near Mundubbera is approved.
Australian Bauxite yesterday told the Australian Securities Exchange the company considers its Binjour Project, located 115km southwest of Bundaberg Port, to be the best source of gibbsite-trihydrate (THA) bauxite in Queensland that is suitable for low-temperature alumina refineries and sweetener circuits in some high-temperature refineries.
“Since discovering Binjour in 2011-12, Australian Bauxite has expanded the size of the resources and worked with landholders, local government, state government, port authorities and logistics companies to develop a viable strategy for developing the Binjour Bauxite Project,” the company said.
“Significant progress has been made with logistical solutions to deliver bauxite onto large bulk carrier ships at the Port of Bundaberg.”
Subject to satisfactory trial results, Australian Bauxite and its marketing partner Rawmin Mining and Industries plan to proceed with project development late this year, starting with a mining lease application.
“An MoU Agreement for access to the preferred stockpile site at the Port of Bundaberg is well advanced,” the company said.
Port MoU expected during April-May
“Engineering studies are in progress regarding the port stockpile, handling and shipping to ensure the port can handle the planned tonnages of bauxite from the Binjour Project without impacting negatively on any other port user.
“The port MoU is expected to be concluded during April-May.”
The company also said discussions with local mining and screening contractors have succeeded in assembling the suite of equipment needed to carry out the required trial mining, grade control and screening performance test work.
“Australian Bauxite recruits employees locally and works with local contractors as much as practicable,” the company said.
“The paramount company policy is that: ABX endorses best practices on agricultural land and strives to leave land and environment better than we find it. We only operate where welcomed.”
Australian Bauxite is producing from a mine in Tasmania close to Campbell Town and another two mines are planned for Tasmania.
The company’s development projects are Binjour in Queensland and two others near Goulburn in New South Wales.
This sounds wonderful for the Bundaberg Region. How do I apply to join this venture as a truck driver with all certificates for Dangerous Goods, Port Clearances and Mine Inductions?
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