Aspirations to create a riverside lifestyle precinct in the Bundaberg CBD moved a step closer this week when a developer sought approval to begin work on a 12-unit project.
Council’s planning and development portfolio spokesman Cr Ross Sommerfeld said if it goes ahead this could “light the fuse” for more housing along the river.
Last year Bundaberg Regional Council approved the construction of 12 residential units overlooking the Burnett River.
This may well light the fuse on similar projects that have been discussed but not yet acted upon — Cr Ross Sommerfeld
The approved application covered a vacant 1916 square-metre parcel of land at the northern end of Targo Street fronting the Burnett River.
Planning and development portfolio spokesman Cr Ross Sommerfeld said lodging an application for operational works was a positive sign the developer intended to proceed.

Source: Ascot Commercial and Industrial
The operational works approval has been sought by Quay on Quay Pty Ltd.
Cr Sommerfeld said the project had potential to spur additional development along the banks of the Burnett River.
“In recent years there has been very little by way of development along the Burnett River which is a truly beautiful and vastly under utilised natural asset of the Bundaberg Region,” he said.
“This proposed building, which will consist of three storeys, will sit adjacent to the RSL and near the Burnett Riverside Motel and will have easy access to the riverside and the CBD, providing an enjoyable lifestyle for any future residents.”
Cr Sommerfeld said the riverside unit development had been approved last year with 63 conditions.
“Due to the location of the proposed building, the applicant has been required to provide engineering analysis and designs to meet strict planning conditions which apply to structures at this location,” he said.
“This is an exciting concept, with the development offering extensive east-west vistas of the Burnett River.
”It’s a concept that dovetails with Council’s Riverside Master Plan. This may well light the fuse on similar projects that have been discussed but not yet acted upon,” said Cr Sommerfeld.
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