The hairstyles may have displayed a good splash of silver but there was plenty of “gold” in evidence at the annual general meeting of the Bundaberg and District Mixed Probus Club today.
Attending the function as an invited guest, Mayor Jack Dempsey acknowledged the wealth of knowledge in the room from the more than 50 club members in attendance.
Probus – derived from professional and business – is an association of retired and semi-retired people who come together as a non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit club first formed in Australia in 1976.
The group, mostly into their golden years, enjoy social interaction based on the three Fs – fun, friendship and fellowship.
Retiring club president Bruce Kuhnell said the club, which has more than 50 members, had completed an excellent year of social activities as well as maintaining a close interest in the welfare of members who were ill or experiencing difficulty.
Mr Kuhnell said welfare of its members was an important part of the club’s social structure.
“Morning teas and lunches as well as social outing are well supported by the club members,” he said.
“Unfortunately it appears not a lot of people have heard about Probus and its activities.
“A lot of members are former service club members or volunteers who want the enjoyment of an organised club but one that is less regulated.”
The incoming president is Ian Bloore.
The club meets in the Avoca Room at Sugarland Tavern on the third Thursday of each month at 9am for a 9.30am meeting start.
Prospective members are invited to contact 0402 298 936 for more information.
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