CQUniversity graduates are once again in demand and lead the pack in terms of their employability and starting salaries.
More specifically, they are performing better than their counterparts at Queensland’s metropolitan universities.

That’s according to the latest 2018 Graduate Outcomes Survey which shows that 79.9 per cent of CQUniversity undergraduates are snapped up within four months of graduation (among the highest rates in Queensland and compared with a national average of 71.9 per cent).
Their median salary is around $66 000 (one of the highest in Australia and compared with a national average of $61 000).
A related 2018 Employer Satisfaction Survey shows 85 per cent of employers are satisfied with the skills graduates bring to their roles, including teamwork and communication.
CQUniversity’s Acting Provost, Professor Col Greensill, said the ‘power of place’ was an important factor in the success of CQUni graduates.
“We have quality courses, quality lecturers and great connections with employers in our regional communities, so we can offer authentic learning experiences,” Professor Greensill said.
Universities Australia’s Acting Chief Executive Anne-Marie Lansdown said the strong results show that university education continues to be a great investment.
“As tens of thousands of students receive offers this week, they can rest assured that a university education will pay dividends — both professionally and personally,” Ms Lansdown said.